CBBC Calendar 2023-24 | Student Login
Greetings in the name of the Lord! Welcome to the Calvary Baptist Bible College (CBBC) webpage. Because our name, Calvary Baptist Bible College, defines us as an institution of higher learning, we would like to take just a moment to introduce you to our college.
Calvary – This college is operated as a ministry of Calvary Baptist Tabernacle Ministries (CBTM). Our conviction from Scripture is that the local New Testament church is the place in which God has invested all of His authority and power. The Apostle Paul declared that the local church is “the pillar and ground of truth” II Timothy 3:15. What better place to train servants for the local church than in the local church. Students simply move from their local church to our local church to prepare for the Lord’s service. Our desire to be Christ-centered is expressed in our college theme: “Teaching the Preeminence of Christ through the local New Testament Church.” Col. 1:18
Baptist – We are distinctly Baptist in our doctrine and practice. Not because we wish to be identified with a particular group, but because we feel that this position is the most tenable position according to Scripture. We hold to the Baptist distinctives of: Bible Authority, Autonomy of the Local Church, Priesthood of Believers, Two Biblical Offices-Pastor and Deacons, Individual Soul Liberty, Saved Immersed Church Membership, Two Ordinances, the Lord's Supper and Baptism by immersion, Separation of Church and State, Separation ethically and ecclesiastically.
Bible – Every member of our student body carries a Bible major in addition to the major in their area of concentration. We are training servants for the local church. It is our belief that those who depart to serve must be grounded in God’s Word. In addition to 39 hours of general Bible classes, our students are members of and attend the Calvary Baptist Tabernacle church services. These services include Sunday School, Sunday morning and evening services. Thursday evenings are devoted to our Calvary Institute of Training (CIT) classes; here we offer specialized studies in Scripture to our church family as well as to our student body.
College – As a college, we are an institution of higher learning. Three majors are available for our student body to choose Bachelor of Arts degrees: Deaf Ministries, Elementary Education and Pastoral Theology. Minors are offered in Biblical Languages, Deaf Ministries, Elementary Education and Missions.
Click here to see an update on the collge dormitory project.